Professor Thomas H. DeLuca
Professor and Director School of Environmental and Forest Sciences
The University of Washington
Seattle, WA
Tel: 206-685-1928
Email: [email protected]
B.S. University of Wisconsin-Madison (1984)
M.S. Montana State University (1987)
Ph.D. Iowa State University (1993)
Research Assistant, North Carolina State University (1987-1988) Plant Pathology
Environmental Specialist III, Montana Department of Agriculture (1988-1990) Environmental Management Division, Helena, MT.
Research Associate, Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture, Iowa State University (1990 - 1993)
Assistant Professor of Agroecology, Sustainable Systems, Slippery Rock University (1993 - 1994)
Assistant Professor of Forest Soils, School of Forestry, University of Montana (1994 - 2003)
Professor of Forest Soils, Department of Ecosystem and Conservation Sciences, College of Forestry, University of Montana (2003- 2006)
Senior Scientist/Forest Ecologist, Ecological and Economic Research Department, The Wilderness Society (2006 – 2009)
Adjunct Professor of Forest Soils, Department of Forest Management, College of Forestry, The University of Montana, 2006 – Present
Senior Research Scientist. Institute for Subarctic Alpine Research, Silver Museet, Sweden (2009 – Present)
Professor of Environmental Sciences, Bangor University, Bangor, United Kingdom (2009 – Present)
Refereed Book Chapters and Selected Non-Refereed Publications
New articles, features
Annonymous. 2008. Research Highlights. Plant science: Mossy management. Nature 453, 700 (5 June 2008) | doi:10.1038/453700c; Published online 4 June 2008
Wade, A. et al (DeLuca co-I). 2011. The multi-scale response of water quality, biodiversity and c sequestration to coupled macronutrient cycling from source to sea. NERC ~£3,000,000 (funded, but final value still under negotiation)
DeLuca, T.H. and D. L. Jones. 2011. Biochar: A novel means of offsetting greenhouse gas emissions and influencing economic and environmental sustainability in the Welsh farming. KESS £87,000
DeLuca, T.H. and D. Tomos. 2011. Unravelling the mystery of Morfa soils and suppression of late blight of potatoes. KESS £38,000.
DeLuca, T.H., D.L. Jones, N. Ostle, and D.L. Godbold. 2011. The Boreal Nitrogen Gap: Size, fate and impacts of nitrogen fixation in Fennoscandia forest ecosystems. NERC £336,102 (+ ~£85,000 to Lancaster collaborator).
DeLuca, T.H., D.L. Jones, D.L. Godbold. 2011. Wolfson below ground carbon laboratory. The Royal Society £150,000.
Jones, D.L., G.E. Jones, T.H. DeLuca, P. Williams, P. Cross, J.R. Healey, D.L. Godbold, B. Emmett. 2011. Carbon Soil Sequestration: Long term impacts. SEREN £200,000.
Jones, D.L., R. Bardgett, T.H. DeLuca, P.W. Hill, and P. Roberts. 2011. Short circuits in the nitrogen cycle regulate ecosystem development in the terrestrial Antarctic. £475,000
DeLuca, T.H. D.L. Jones, B.A. Emmett. 2010. Evaluation of phosphorus limitation in an increasingly nitrogen rich world. KESS. £38,000.
DeLuca, T.H. and N. Brown. 2010. Forging sustainable communities in a changing world Beacon for Wales. £12,000.
Bergman, I. G. Hornberg, T. DeLuca, O. Zackrisson, L. Liedgren. 2009. Proposal for the institute for subarctic landscape research. EU Structure Fund. 5,000,000 SEK
DeLuca, T.H. and D.L. Jones. 2009. Biochar: A novel means of offsetting greenhouse gas emissions. KESS. £86,838.
DeLuca, T.H. and D.L. Jones. 2009. Biochar: Greenhouse gas sink or health risk? £38,000.
Ekey, R. and T.H. DeLuca. 2008. Climate change and ecosystem resilience in the Northern Rockies. Aspenwood Foundation. $200,000.
Ekey, R. G.H. Aplet, T.H. DeLuca, J. Kerkvliet, S. Brennan. 2008. Forest restoration and landscape preservation in the Crown of the Continent. Aspenwood Foundation. $1,000,000.
Ekey, R. G.H. Aplet, T.H. DeLuca, J. Kerkvliet. 2007. Forest restoration and landscape preservation in the Crown of the Continent. Aspenwood Foundation. $800,000.
DeLuca, T.H. and C. Zabinski. 2006. Effects of slash pile burning on soil properties and exotic invasions USDA-RJVA -- $65,000.
DeLuca, T.H. and M.J. Gundale. 2006. Use of byproduct gypsum as an agricultural soil amendment. USDA-NRCS $40,000.
DeLuca, T.H. and M.J. Gundale. 2005. Does N and P availability explain cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) invasion under ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) crowns following fire? USDA-FS RJVA -- $20,000.
DeLuca, T.H. and M.D. MacKenzie. 2004. Nitrogen fixation in ponderosa pine ecosystems of western Montana. USDA-McIntire Stennis. $47,500.
DeLuca, T.H. and O. Zackrisson. 2003. Plant succession and nitrogen fixation in boreal forests of Sweden. Formas (Sweden). $185,000.
DeLuca, T.H. and W.E. Holben. 2003. Soil Charcoal and Nitrogen Cycling in Pinus ponderosa Ecosystems of Western Montana. NSF-Ecosystems. $450,000.
DeLuca, T.H. 2002. A portable gas chromatograph for analysis of N fixation and soil respiration in ecosystem studies in the Inland Northwest. USDA-NRI. $18,600.
DeLuca, T.H. 2002. The Role of Charcoal in Litter Decomposition and Nutrient Dynamics in Pinus ponderosa Ecosystems of Western Montana. USDA-McIntire-Stennis. $33,698.
Woods S. and T.H. DeLuca. 2002. Acquisition of a rainfall simulator for runoff and erosion studies in the Northern Rocky Mountain region. USDA-NRI. $17,670.
Sala, A. and T.H. DeLuca. 2002. Fire suppression in ponderosa pine ecosystems causes shifts in soil resource partitioning. USDA-NRI $260,989
DeLuca, D.K. and T.H. DeLuca. 2002. Feasibility for treating Missoula wastewater with hybrid poplars. City of Missoula, $9,750.
Meikle, T., T.H. DeLuca, R.K. Dumrose, and O. Seastone-Moynahan. 2002-2003. Alternative growth medium product to promote VAM colonization. USDA-SBIR. $80,000.
Woods, S. and T.H. DeLuca. 2001. The effectiveness of burn area emergency rehabilitation (baer) techniques in reducing post-fire soil erosion in the Sula state forest, Montana. USGS-Water Center $19,204.
DeLuca, T.H. 2001. Assessment of soil salinization in historic salt lick sites in the Teton Wilderness Area. USFS-Challenge Cost Share Agreement $22,000.
Fiedler, C, T.H. DeLuca, L.S. Mills, and D. Six. 1999 - 2003. Fire/Fire surrogates study: Lubrecht Experimental Forest, Montana. Joint Fire Sciences Program. $435,000.
DeLuca, T.H. and A. Sala. 1999. Replacement of fire maintained ponderosa pine by Douglas-fir: the consequences for water and nitrogen resources and forest productivity. USDA-McIntire-Stennis: $65,000.
Zabinski, C.A. and T.H. DeLuca. 1998. Assessment of microbial recovery in an alpine campground restoration study site. USFS Cooperative Joint Venture Agreement. $4,500
DeLuca, T.H. and J. Newland. 1998. Comparison for nitrogen fixing vegetation in fire exposed and fire excluded ponderosa pine/Douglas-fir forests. Cooperative Research Joint Venture Agreement, U.S. Forest Service, Fire Sciences Laboratory $2,386.
DeLuca, T.H. and D.J. Bedunah. 1998. Influence of mine reclamation amendments on metal mobility and water pollution potential. USGS-Water Center. $35,590.
DeLuca, T.H. and P. F. Kolb. 1998. Decomposition of logging residues under alternative management systems. USDA-McIntire-Stennis $65,590
DeLuca, T.H. and I.V. Yevdokimov. 1998. Diffusion of plant rhizosphere carbon and sorption to non-ionic carbonaceous resins: Kinetics and fate. National Research Council COBASE Program: $14,000.
DeLuca, T.H. 1997. Occurrence and significance of native nitrogen fixing species on fire exposed sites in Western Montana. University of Montana Grants Program. $2,200.
DeLuca, T.H. and D. E. Kiely. 1997. Analysis of rhizosphere carbon of native and invasive plant species. USDA-NRI, Equipment Grants, $15,000.
Ohara, K.L., T.H. DeLuca, K.S. Milner, and P.B. Alaback. 1996. Comparative function and productivity of even and uneven-aged ponderosa pine structures. USDA-NRI. $97,278.
DeLuca, T.H. and U. Choromanska. 1996. Influence of Fire Exclusion and Carbon Removal on Soil Nutrient Cycling in Second Growth Ponderosa Pine/Douglas Fir Forests. Cooperative Research Joint Venture Agreement, U.S. Forest Service, Forest Sciences Laboratory. $25,000.
DeLuca, T.H. 1995. In-situ extraction of rhizosphere sugars using carbonaceous resins. MONTS- EPSCORE. $32,000.
DeLuca, T.H. and U. Choromanska. 1995. Influence of fire suppression on nutrient cycling in second growth ponderosa pine-Douglas fir forests of Montana. NSF/EPSCOR. $18,000.
Gannon, J.E., J. Moore, T. DeLuca, G. Smith, V. Watson, B. Woessner, C. Zabinski, and D. DeBoerde. 1994. Central biogeochemical analytic lab. Murdock Foundation. $437,500.
DeLuca, T.H., W.A. Freimund, and B. Patterson. 1994. Erosional impact of llamas, horses, and foot traffic on hiking trails of Western Montana. USFS Cooperative Agreement. $25,000.
DeLuca, T.H., C. Fiedler, and E.O. Skogley. 1994. Influence of selection cutting and underburning on soil organic matter quality and nitrogen availability in uneven age ponderosa pine stands. McIntyre-Stennis Program. $41,902.
DeLuca, T.H. and V. Watson. 1994. Use of compost in the reclamation of an abandoned mine site in the Upper Blackfoot River Basin. Mont. Trout Found. $3,000.
DeLuca, T.H. 1994. Relationship of soluble sugars to microbial activity in forest and range soils. University Grants Program. $2,058.
DeLuca, T.H. 1994. Slippery Rock compost facility. Pennsylvania DER Act 198 Program. $152,000.
DeLuca, T.H. and L.E. Drinkwater 1993. Occurrence and productivity of free-living and associative nitrogen fixing bacteria in cropping systems of Pennsylvania. SSHE Professional Development Council. $4,240.
1993 Iowa State University Research Excellence Award
1996 Professor of the Year, The University of Montana School of Forestry Graduate Students.
1998 Nominee for USDA Teacher of the Year
2002 S-7 Oral Presentation Award, Soil Science Society of America, Indianapolis
2004 Student Affairs Honoree for Outstanding Advising. The University of Montana
2005 Student Affairs Honoree for Outstanding Advising. The University of Montana
2005 S- 7 Oral Presentation Award, Soil Science Society of America, Salt Lake City
Sigma Xi, 1992 - present.
Gamma Sigma Delta, 1992 – present.
Soil Science Society of America, 1985 - present.
American Society of Agronomy, 1985 - present.
Soil and Water Conservation Society, 1993 - 2002.
Society of American Foresters, 1996 - 2000
American Water Resources Association, 1996.
American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1993 - present
American Association for the Advancement of Science Electorate Committee 2003 - 2007
University Council on Water Resources, Montana Delegate, 1996 - 2009.
Ecological Society of America, 2001 – Present.
Union of Concerned Scientists 2006 – present.
British Ecological Society 2010 – present.
Who’s Who in America
Who's Who in Science and Engineering
Who’s Who in the Midwest
Who's Who in the West
Who's Who in the World
Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers
International Biography
Patterson, W.A. IV. 1996. Influence of llamas, horses and foot traffic on soil erosion from established recreation trails in western Montana. MS Thesis Resources Conservation.
Zlatnick, W. J. 1997. Site productivity and soil conditions on terraced ponderosa pine stands on the Bitterroot National Forest. MS Thesis Resources Conservation.
Hodge, R. J. 1997. Where have all the suckers gone: A comparative study of aspen treatments on the Deerlodge National Forest. MS Thesis Forestry.
Bradley, K.R. 1997. An evaluation of two techniques for the utilization of logging residues: Organic mulch in abandoned road re-vegetation and accelerated decomposition in small chipped piles. MS Thesis Resources Conservation.
Zouhar, K.L. 1997. Effects of Selection Harvest and Prescribed Burning on Nitrogen Availability in the Mineral Soil Under Ponderosa Pine. MS Thesis Resources Conservation.
Morse, C.C. 1998. In-situ extraction of rhizosphere carbon from native and invasive plant species. MS Thesis, Forestry.
Knudsen, J.A. 1998. Use of Basin wild rye as a phytoremedation tool for arsenic contaminated soils. MS Thesis Resources Conservation.
Newland, J. 1998. Occurrence and abundance of native nitrogen fixing plants in fire exposed ponderosa pine Douglas-fir forests in Western Montana. MS Thesis, Forestry
Chrormanska, U. 2000. The effects of wildfire and prescribed fire on soil C and N dynamics in ponderosa pine forests. Ph.D. Forestry.
Hickenbottom, J.A.S. 2000. Comparative analysis of surface erosion and water runoff from existing and reconoutred Forest Service Roads: O'Brien Creek Watershed Lolo National Forest, Montana, USA. MS Forestry.
Archer, V. 2002. Does knapweed access greater phosphorus than lupine in a phosphorus deficient soil? M.S. Forestry
Walters, D. 2002. Influence of historic salt lick use on soil and vegetation in the Teton Wilderness Area. M.S. Resources Conservation.
Snyder, C. 2003. Effects of vegetation cover, mowing, and soil temperature on development and survival of two root-feeding biological control insects of spotted knapweed. M.S. Forestry.
MacKenzie, M.D. 2004. Fire exclusion, forest dynamics, and nitrogen cycling in low elevation forests of western Montana. Ph.D. Forestry.
Berglund, L. 2004. Disturbance, nutrient availability, and plant growth in phenol rich plant communities. PhD. Ecology, SLU.
Kurth, V.J. 2004. Charcoal in ponderosa pine ecosystems of western Montana: decomposition, mineralization, and quantification. MS Forestry.
Gundale, M.J. 2005. Nitrogen cycling and spatial heterogeneity following fire and restoration treatments in the ponderosa pine/douglas-fir ecosystem. PhD. Forestry.
Brimmer, R.J. 2006. Charcoal quantity and adsorptive activity in ponderosa pine ecosystems of western Montana. MS Forestry. The University of Montana.
Burgoyne, T. 2007. Nitrogen fixation in ponderosa pine forests of western Montana. MS Forestry. The University of Montana, Missoula
Bisbing, S.M. 2008. Carbon dynamics of old-growth and managed fire-dependent forests in the Northern Rockies. MS Forestry. The University of Montana.
Natalie Meyer. 2009. Characterization and restoration of slash pile burn scars in western Montana. MS Land Restoration. Montana State University. (co-advise with Cathy Zabinski)
Jason Leppi. 2010. Regional implications of climate change: Summer stream discharge trends in the Northern Rockies. MS Forestry. The University of Montana.
Sally Rangecroft. 2010. Biochar: Greenhouse gas sink or environmental toxin? MRes, Bangor University
Sanatan Das Gupta. 2010. Carbon storage and loss in recently-harvested conferous plantations in North Wales, MSc, Bangor University
Sisay Zewdie. 2010. Soil organic carbon content under bracken, grass or Calluna heath cover in uplands of North Wales. MSc, Bangor University
Andrea Goepfrich. 2010 Analysing fire damage in the coarse roots of Pinus sylvestris in northern Sweden. MSc, Bangor University
Matthew Harris. 2011. MRes. Developing and testing a biology based method to quantify and characterise plant available phosphate. Bangor University
Abdou Jobe. 2011. Assessment of free-living nitrogen fixation along a nitrogen deposition gradient. MSc Bangor University.
Muzaffar Hussain. 2011. Modelling forest soil carbon changes under Danish climatic conditions: A validity test of Yasso-07. MSc. Bangor University.
Amadi Chukwudi. 2011. Influence of Pteridium aquilinum rhizomes on the mobilization of soil phosphorus. MSc Bangor University.
Andy Appleby. Ph.D. Biochar: A novel way to offset greenhouse gas emissions.
Kathrin Ackermann. PhD. Nitrogen cycling in boreal forest ecosystems.
Kathrin Blumenstein. PhD. Endophytic fungi in elms: implications for protection against Dutch Elm Disease. (Co-advise with Dr. Johanna Witzell, SLU Alnarp).
Jo Hughes. PhD. Biochar and its influence on economic and environmental sustainability in the Welsh farming context.
Lorena Larrion. MRes. Unravelling the mystery of Morfa soils and suppression of late blight of potatoes.
Associate Editor, Alternator, Slippery Rock University, 1993 - 1994.
Committee of the Whole. Slippery Rock University, 1993 - 1994.
College of Health and Human Services Tech Committee, Slippery Rock University 1993 - 1994.
School of Forestry Graduate Committee, University of Montana, 1995-1998 (Chair 97/98)
University Court, University of Montana, 1995-97 (Chair in 1997)
Faculty Advisor, University of Montana Competitive Cycling Team, 1995-1999.
Faculty Advisor, ASUM Student Garden Club, University of Montana, 1995-2000.
Bolle Center Director Search Committee, School of Forestry, 1995/96.
Forest Economics Search Committee, School of Forestry, 1996
Integrated Forest Planning Search Committee, School of Forestry, 1996.
Mount Sentinel IPM Committee 1998 – 2000.
Faculty Advisor, 1997 and 1998 Forester’s Ball.
Integrated Forest Entomology/Pathology Search Committee (1996/97).
National Undergraduate Research Conference Steering Committee. 1997 - 2000
Board of Directors, Program in Ecological Agriculture and Sustainability, 1996-2000.
School of Forestry Silviculture Search Committee 1998-1999 (Chair)
School of Forestry Student Evaluation Committee Advisor, 1999.
University of Montana, Rhodes Scholarship Committee, 1999.
School of Forestry Research Committee, 1999 - 2000.
Board of Directors, Wild Rockies Field Institute, 2001 - present.
College of Forestry Graduate Committee, University of Montana, 2004 -2006(Chair 05/06)
Council of Soil Science Examiners, SSSA, 2002 – 2005.
University of Montana Faculty Senate, 2003 – 2005
University of Montana Campus Sustainability Council, 2003 – 2006.
American Association for the Advancement of Science, Electorate Committee 2003 – 2008
The Wilderness Society, Climate Planning Team 2008 - 2009
The Wilderness Society, Fire Team 2006 – 2009
Research Committee, SENRGy Bangor University 2009 - present
Environment Theme Leader, Pontio Innovation Bangor University (paid position) 2010 - present
Program Development Group: Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. 2010 – present
Research Excellence Framework (REF) Coordinator. SENRGy, Bangor Univ. 2011 - present
Chair of Forestry Group, SENRGy, Bangor Unversity. 2011 – present
Executive Committee, SENRGy, Bangor University. 2011- present
Research Committee College of Natural Sciences (CNS) 2011 - present
REF Task Force CNS, 2012 – present
Editorial Duties
Associate Editor, Pedobiologia, 2010 – present
Submission Editor, Journal of Soils and Sediments 2010 - present
One or More Reviews for the Following Journals
Journal of Environmental Quality
Journal of the American Water Resources Association
Advances in Environmental Research
Soil Science Society America Journal
Introductory Soil Science Text, Saunders University Press
Journal of the American Water Resources Association
European Journal of Soil Biology
Soil Biology and Biochemistry
Forest Ecology and Management
Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Journal of Range Ecology and Management
International Journal of Wildland Fire
Australian Journal of Soil Research
Annals of Forest Science
Ecological Applications
Environmental Management
Agronomy Journal
Restoration Ecology
Western Journal of Applied Forestry
Journal of Ecology
Science of the Total Environment
Global Change Biology
Journal of Soils and Sediments
Environmental Science and Technology
New Zealand Journal of Ecology
Ecosphere (ad hoc subject-matter editor)
B.S. University of Wisconsin-Madison (1984)
M.S. Montana State University (1987)
Ph.D. Iowa State University (1993)
Research Assistant, North Carolina State University (1987-1988) Plant Pathology
Environmental Specialist III, Montana Department of Agriculture (1988-1990) Environmental Management Division, Helena, MT.
Research Associate, Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture, Iowa State University (1990 - 1993)
Assistant Professor of Agroecology, Sustainable Systems, Slippery Rock University (1993 - 1994)
Assistant Professor of Forest Soils, School of Forestry, University of Montana (1994 - 2003)
Professor of Forest Soils, Department of Ecosystem and Conservation Sciences, College of Forestry, University of Montana (2003- 2006)
Senior Scientist/Forest Ecologist, Ecological and Economic Research Department, The Wilderness Society (2006 – 2009)
Adjunct Professor of Forest Soils, Department of Forest Management, College of Forestry, The University of Montana, 2006 – Present
Senior Research Scientist. Institute for Subarctic Alpine Research, Silver Museet, Sweden (2009 – Present)
Professor of Environmental Sciences, Bangor University, Bangor, United Kingdom (2009 – Present)
- DeLuca, T.H. O. Zackrisson, I. Bergman, and G. Hörnberg. 2013. Historical land use and resource depletion in spruce-Cladina forests of Northern Sweden. Anthropocene: In Press
- Jones, D.L., P. Cross, P.J.A. Withers, T.H. DeLuca, D.A. Robinson, R.S. Quilliam, I.M. Harris, D.R. Chadwick and G. Edwards-Jones. 2013 Nutrient stripping: the global disparity between food security and soil nutrient stocks. Journal of Applied Ecology: In Press
- Rousk, K., J. Rousk, T.H. DeLuca. 2013. The cyanobacterial role in the resistance of feather mosses to decomposition -toward a new hypothesis. PLoS One 8(4): e62058. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0062058.
- Rousk, K., D.L. Jones and T.H. DeLuca. 2013. The biogenic source of nitrogen (N) in boreal forest ecosystems. Frontiers in Microbial Ecology 4: doi:10.3389/fmicb.2013.00150.
- Rousk, K., D.L. Jones, O. Zackrisson, J. Rousk, and T.H. DeLuca. 2013. Feather moss nitrogen acquisition across natural fertility gradients in boreal forests. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 61:86-95.
- DeLuca, T.H., S.A. Zewdie, O. Zackrisson, J. R. Healey, D.L. Jones. 2013. Bracken fern promotes an open nitrogen cycle in heathland soils. Plant and Soil 367:521–534.
- Quilliam, R.S. T.H. DeLuca, S. Rangecroft, B Emmett D.L. Jones. 2013. Is biochar a source or sink for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) compounds in agricultural soils? Global Change Biology-Bioenergy 5:96–103.
- Quilliam, R.S., T.H. DeLuca, D.L. Jones. 2013. Biochar application reduces nodulation but increases nitrogenase activity in clover. Plant and Soil 366:83–92
- Farell, M. P. Hill, J. Farrar, T.H. DeLuca, P. Roberts, K. Kieland, R. Dahlgren, D. Murphy, P. Hobbs, R. Bardgett, D.L. Jones. 2012. Oligopeptides represent a preferred source of organic N uptake: A global phenomenon? Ecosystems 16:133-145.
- Das Gupta, S. and T.H. DeLuca. 2012. Short-term changes in belowground C, N stocks in recently clear felled Sitka spruce plantations on podzolic soils of North Wales. Forest Ecology and Management 281:48-58.
- Ackermann, K., O. Zackrisson, J. Rousk, D.L. Jones, T.H. DeLuca. 2012. N2 fixation in feather mosses is a sensitive indicator of N deposition in boreal forests. Ecosystems15: 986-998.
- DeLuca, T.H. and C. Boisvenue. 2012. Boreal forest soil carbon: Distribution, function and modelling. Forestry 85:161-184.
- Quilliam, R.S., K.A. Marsden, C.Gertler, J.Rousk, T.H. DeLuca, D.L. Jones. 2012. Nutrient dynamics, microbial growth and weed emergence in biochar amended soil are influenced by time since application and reapplication rate. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment 158: 192-199.
- Leppi, J.C., T.H. DeLuca, S. Harrar, S.W. Running. 2012. August stream discharge trends exhibit impacts of climate change in the Central-Rocky Mountains of North America. Climatic Change 112:997-1014.
- Jones, D.L., J. Rousk, G. Edwards-Jones, T.H. DeLuca, and D.V. Murphy. 2012. Biochar-mediated changes in soil quality and plant growth in a three year field trial. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 45:113-124.
- Makoto, K., M. Hirobe, T.H. DeLuca, S.V. Bryanin, V.F. Procopchuk, K. Takayoshi. 2011. Effects of fire-derived charcoal on soil properties and seedling regeneration in a recently burned Larix gmelinii/Pinus sylvestris forest. Journal of Soils and Sediments 11:1317-1322.
- DeLuca, T.H. and C.A. Zabinski. 2011. Prairie ecosystems and the carbon problem. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 9:407–413.
- Jones, D.L., D.V. Murphy, M. Khalid, W. Ahmad, G. Edwards-Jones, and T.H. DeLuca. 2011. Short-term biochar-induced increase in soil respiration is both biotically and abiotically mediated. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 43:1723-1731.
- Keeling, E., A. Sala, and T.H. DeLuca. 2011. Lack of fire has limited physiological impact on old-growth ponderosa pine in dry montane forests of North Central Idaho. Ecological Applications 21:3227–3237.
- Hill, P., R. Quilliam, T.H. DeLuca, J. Farrar, M. Farrell, P. Roberts, K. Newsham, D. Hopkins, R. Bardgett and D.L. Jones. 2011. Acquisition and assimilation of nitrogen as peptide-bound and D-enantiomers of amino acids by wheat. PLOS-One 6, e19220
- Gundale, M.J., T.H. DeLuca, and A. Nordin. 2011. Bryophytes attenuate anthropogenic nitrogen inputs in boreal forests. Global Change Biology 17:2743–2753.
- Yakimov, M.M., V. La Cono, F. Smedile, M. Ferrer, T.H. DeLuca, P.N. Golyshin, and L.Giuliano. 2011. Contribution of crenarchaeal autotrophic ammonia oxidizers to the dark primary production in Tyrrhenian Deep Waters (Central Mediterranean Sea). ISME Journal 5:945-961.
- DeLuca, T.H., G.H. Aplet, H. B. Wilmer, and J. Burchfield. 2010. The unknown trajectory of forest restoration: a call for ecosystem monitoring. Journal of Forestry 108:288-295.
- Naficy, C., A. Sala, E. G. Keeling, J. Graham, T.H. DeLuca. 2010. Interactive effects of historical logging and fire exclusion on contemporary structure of ponderosa pine/Douglas-fir forests of the Northern Rockies. Ecological Applications 20:1851-1864.
- Ball, P.M., M.D. MacKenzie, T.H. DeLuca, and W.B. Holben. 2010. Wildfire and charcoal enhance AOB in forests of the Inland Northwest. Journal of Environmental Quality 39:1243-1253.
- Bisbing, S.M., P. Alaback and T.H.DeLuca. 2010. Carbon storage in old-growth and second growth fire-dependent western larch (Larix occidentalis Nutt.) forests of the Inland Northwest, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 259:1041–1049.
- Burgoyne, T.A. and T.H. DeLuca. 2009. Non-symbiotic nitrogen fixation as influenced by forest restoration treatments in Western Montana. Forest Ecology and Management 258:1369-1375.
- DeLuca, T.H. and V. Archer. 2009. Forest soil quality standards should quantifiable. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 64:118A-123A.
- Zackrisson, O., T.H. DeLuca, F. Gentili, A. Sellstedt, and A. Jäderlund. 2009. Nitrogen-fixation in boreal Hylocomium splendens communities. Oecologia 160:309-319.
- DeLuca, T.H., O. Zackrisson, M.J. Gundale, and M-C. Nilsson. 2008. Ecosystem feedbacks and nitrogen fixation in boreal forests. Science 320:1181.
- Gundale, M.J., S. Sutherland, and T.H. DeLuca. 2008. Fire, native species, and soil resource interactions regulate the spatio-temporal invasion pattern of Bromus tectorum. Ecography 31:201-210.
- Nilsson, M-C., D.A. Wardle and T.H. DeLuca. 2008. Belowground and aboveground consequences of interactions involving live plant species mixtures and dead organic substrate mixtures. Oikos 117:439-449.
- DeLuca, T.H. and G.H. Aplet. 2008. Charcoal and carbon storage in forest soils of the Rocky Mountain West. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 6:18-24.
- Walters, D.K. and T.H. DeLuca. 2007. Salt-lick induced soil disturbance in the Teton Wilderness, USA. Range Ecology and Management 60:675-679.
- Liedgren, L.G., I.M. Bergman, G. Hörnberg, O. Zackrisson, E. Hellberg, L. Östlund, T. DeLuca. 2007. Radiocarbon dating of prehistoric hearths in alpine northern Sweden: problems and possibilities. Journal of Archaeological Science 34:1276-1288
- DeLuca, T.H. and O. Zackrisson. 2007. Juniperus communis enhances soil fertility in arctic ecosystems. Plant and Soil 294:147-155.
- DeLuca, T.H., O. Zackrisson, F. Gentili, A. Sellstedt, M-C. Nilsson. 2007. Ecosystem controls on nitrogen fixation in boreal feather moss communities. Oecologia 152:121-130.
- Gundale, M.J. and T.H. DeLuca. 2007. Charcoal and litter extracts alter soil solution chemistry and growth of Koeleria macrantha in the ponderosa pine/Douglas-fir ecosystem. Biology and Fertility of Soils 43:303-311.
- Kurth, V.J. M.D. MacKenzie, and T.H. DeLuca. 2006. Estimating the charcoal content of mineral soils. Geoderma 137:135-139.
- Keeling, E.G., A. Sala, and T.H. DeLuca. 2006. Effects of fire exclusion on forest structure and composition in unlogged ponderosa pine/Douglas-fir forests. Forest Ecology and Management 237:418-428.
- DeLuca, T.H. and A. Sala. 2006. Frequent fire alters nitrogen transformations in ponderosa pine stands of the Inland Northwest. Ecology 87:2511-2522.
- MacKenzie, M.D. and T.H. DeLuca. 2006. Resin adsorption of carbon and nitrogen as influenced by season and time since fire. Soil Science Society America Journal 70:2122-2129.
- MacKenzie, M.D. and T.H. DeLuca. 2006. Charcoal and shrubs modify soil processes in ponderosa pine forests of western Montana. Plant and Soil 287:257-266.
- Gundale, M.J. and T.H. DeLuca. 2006. Temperature and source material influence the chemical properties of charcoal in the ponderosa pine/Douglas-fir ecosystem. Forest Ecology and Management 231:86-93.
- Gundale, M.J., K.L. Metlen, C.E. Feidler, and T.H. DeLuca. 2006. Nitrogen spatial heterogeneity increases diversity following restoration in a ponderosa pine forest, Montana. Ecological Applications 16:479-489.
- MacKenzie, D.M., T.H. DeLuca, and A. Sala. 2006. Fire exclusion and nitrogen mineralization in low elevation forests of western Montana. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38:952-961.
- DeLuca, T. H., M.D. MacKenzie, M.J. Gundale, and W.E. Holben. 2006. Wildfire-produced charcoal directly influences nitrogen cycling in forest ecosystems. Soil Science Society America Journal 70:448-453.
- Thorpe, A., V. Archer, and T.H. DeLuca. 2006. The invasive forb, Centaurea maculosa, increases phosphorus availability in Montana grasslands. Applied Soil Ecology 32:118-122.
- Gentili F., M-C. Nilsson, O. Zackrisson, T.H. DeLuca and A. Sellstedt. 2005. Feather moss-N2 fixing cyanobacteria association: physiological and molecular diversity of the associative cyanobacteria genera. Journal of Experimental Botany 56:3121-3127.
- Hart, S.C., T.H. DeLuca, G.S. Newman, M.D. MacKenzie, and S.I. Boyle. 2005. Post-fire vegetative dynamics as drivers of microbial community structure and function in forest soils. Forest Ecology and Management 220:166-184.
- Gundale, M.J. W.M. Jolly, and T.H. DeLuca. 2005. Susceptibility of a northern hardwood forest to exotic earthworm invasion. Conservation Biology 19:1075-1083.
- Gundale, M.J., T.H. DeLuca, C.E. Fiedler, P.W. Ramsey, M.G. Harrington, J.E. Gannon. 2005. Restoration management in a Montana ponderosa pine forest: effects on soil physical, chemical and biological properties. Forest Ecology and Management. 213:25-38.
- Lesica, P. and T.H. DeLuca. 2004. Is tamarisk allelopathic? Plant and Soil 267:357-365.
- Zackrisson, O, T.H. DeLuca, M-C. Nilsson, A. Sellstedt, and Berglund. 2004. Nitrogen fixation increases with successional age in boreal forests. Ecology 85:3327–3334.
- MacKenzie, D.M., T.H. DeLuca, and A. Sala. 2004. Forest structure and organic matter analysis along a fire chronosequence in the low elevation forests of western Montana. Forest Ecology and Management 203:331-343.
- Berglund, L., T.H. DeLuca, and O. Zackrisson. 2004. Activated carbon amendment to soil alters nitrification rates in Scots pine forests. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 36:2067-2073.
- Switalski, T A., J.A. Bissonette, T.H. DeLuca, C.H. Luce, and Mary Ann Madej. 2004. Watershed benefits and impacts from road removal: a review. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 2:21-28.
- Knudson, J.A., T. Meikle and T.H. DeLuca. 2003. Role of mycorrizal fungi and phosphorus in the arsenic tolerance of Basin wildrye. Journal Environmental Quality 32:2001-2006.
- DeLuca, T.H., O. Zackrisson, M-C. Nilsson, A. Sellstedt. 2002. Quantifying nitrogen-fixation in feather moss carpets of boreal forests. Nature 419:917-920.
- DeLuca, T.H., M-C. Nilsson, and O. Zackrisson. 2002. Nitrogen mineralization and phenol accumulation along a fire chronosequence in northern Sweden. Oecologia 133:206-214.
- Zabinski, C.A., DeLuca, T.H., D.C. Cole, and O. Seastone-Moynahan. 2002. Impact and restoration of subalpine campsites in the Eagle Cap Wilderness. Restoration Ecology 10:275-281.
- Six, D., M. Vander Meer, T. DeLuca, P. Kolb. 2002. Pine engraver, Ipis pini (Say), colonization of logging residues created using alternative slash management systems in western Montana. Western Journal of Applied Forestry. 17:96-100.
- Choromanska, U. and T.H. DeLuca. 2002. Microbial activity and nitrogen mineralization in forest mineral soils following heating: evaluation of post-fire effects. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 34:263-271.
- Choromanska, U. and T.H. DeLuca. 2001. Prescribed fire alters the effect of wildfire on soil biochemical properties in a ponderosa pine forest. Soil Science Society of America Journal 65:232-238.
- Lesica, P. and T.H. DeLuca. 2000. Sweetclover: A Potential Problem for the Northern Great Plains. Journal of Soil Water Conservation 55:259-261.
- DeLuca, T.H. and K.L. Zouhar. 2000. Effects of selection harvest and prescribed fire on the soil nitrogen status of ponderosa pine forests. Forest Ecology and Management 138:263-271.
- Morse, C.C., I. V. Yevdokimov, and T.H. DeLuca. 2000. In situ extraction of rhizosphere organic compounds from contrasting plant communities. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 31:725-742.
- Newland, J. and T.H. DeLuca. 2000. Influence of fire on native nitrogen fixing plants and the soil N status of ponderosa pine forests in western Montana. Canadian Journal Forest Research 30:274-282.
- Callaway, R.M., T.H. DeLuca, and W.L. Ridenour. 1999. Herbivores used for biological control increase the competitive ability of target weeds. Ecology 80:1196-1201.
- Zlatnik, E.J., T.H. DeLuca, K.S. Milner and D.S. Potts. 1999. Soil conditions and site productivity on terraced ponderosa pine stands in western Montana. Western Journal Applied Forestry. 14:35-40.
- DeLuca, T.H. 1998. Soluble anthrone reactive carbon as an assay of available carbon in forest soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 30:1293-1299.
- Blagodatsky, S.A., Yevdokimov, I.V., and DeLuca, T.H. 1998. Efficiency and selectivity of two methods for microbial biomass N determination. Eurasian Soil Science. 30:1015-1023.
- DeLuca, T.H., W.A. Patterson, W.A. Freimund, D.N. Cole. 1998. Influence of llamas, horses, and hikers on soil erosion from established recreation trails in Western Montana. Environmental Management 22:255-262
- DeLuca, T.H. and D.K. DeLuca. 1997. Composting for feedlot manure management and soil quality. Journal of Production Agriculture 10: 235-240.
- DeLuca, T.H. and E.L. Lynch. 1997. Assessment of amendments in the reclamation of an abandoned mine in Montana. Intermountain Journal of Science. 3: 38-46.
- Lesica, P. and T.H. DeLuca. 1996. Long term harmful effects of crested wheatgrass on Great Plains grassland ecosystems. Journal of Soil Water Conservation 51:407-408.
- DeLuca, T.H., L.E. Drinkwater, B.A. Wiefling, and D. DeNicola. 1996. Free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria in temperate cropping systems: Influence of nitrogen source. Biology and Fertility of Soils 23:140-144.
- DeLuca, T.H. 1995. Row crop agriculture: Putting America’s soils on a white bread diet. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 50:262-263. (editorial)
- DeLuca, T.H. and D.R. Keeney. 1995. Short-term transformations of 15NO3- in paired prairie and cultivated soils. Applied Soil Ecology 2:131-135.
- DeLuca, T.H. and D.R. Keeney. 1994. Soluble carbon and nitrogen pools of prairie and cultivated soils: Seasonal dynamics. Soil Science Society of America Journal 58:835-840.
- DeLuca, T.H. and D.R. Keeney. 1993. Glucose induced nitrate assimilation in prairie and cultivated soils. Biogeochemistry 21:167-176.
- DeLuca, T.H. and D.R. Keeney. 1993. Soluble anthrone reactive carbon in soils: Effect of carbon and nitrogen amendments. Soil Science Society of America Journal 57:1296-1300.
- DeLuca, T.H. and D.R. Keeney. 1993. Use of ethanol stabilized chloroform as a fumigant for estimating microbial biomass by reaction with ninhydrin. Soil Biology Biochemistry 25:1297-1298.
- Keeney, D.R. and T.H. DeLuca. 1993. Des Moines River nitrate in relation to watershed agricultural practices: 1945 vs 1980s. Journal of Environmental Quality 22:289-292.
- DeLuca, T.H. and D.R. Keeney. 1993. Soluble organics and extractable nitrogen in paired prairie and cultivated soils of Central Iowa. Soil Science 155:219-227.
- Keeney, D.R. and T.H. DeLuca. 1992. Biomass as an energy source for the Midwestern U.S. American Journal of Alternative Agriculture 7:39-46.
- DeLuca, T.H., D.R. Keeney, and G.W. McCarty. 1992. Effect of freeze-thaw events on mineralization of soil nitrogen. Biology and Fertility of Soils 14:116-120.
- DeLuca, T.H., E.O. Skogley, and R.E. Engle. 1989. Band applied elemental sulfur to enhance the phytoavailability of phosphorus in alkaline calcareous soils. Biology and Fertility of Soils 7:346-350.
Refereed Book Chapters and Selected Non-Refereed Publications
- DeLuca, T.H. 2011. Feathemosses, nitrogen fixation and the boreal biome. IBERS Knowledge-Based Innovations 4:27-31
- DeLuca, T.H. 2009. Nutrient impbalances: Follow the waste. Science 326:665.
- DeLuca, T.H., M.D. MacKenzie, and M.J. Gundale. 2009. Bio-char effects on soil nutrient transformation. Chapter 14. In: Lehmann, J. and Joseph, S. (eds). Biochar for Environmental Management: Science and Technology. Earthscan Publications Ltd, London. Pp 251-270.
- Crist, M., T.H. DeLuca, G.H. Aplet, and H. B. Wilmer. 2009. Forest restoration in the Rocky Mountain West. TWS Ecological Science Report. January 2009.
- DeLuca, T.H., H. B. Wilmer, and G.H. Aplet. 2008. The unknown trajectory of forest restoration: a call for ecosystem monitoring. TWS Science and Policy Brief 2008:2. December 2008. 20 Pp.
- DeLuca, T.H. 2008. Climate change, fire, and forest health. 32nd Annual Public Land Law Conference, Missoula MT. Pp. G 1-10.
- Wilmer, B. and T.H. DeLuca. 2008. Fire and Fuels Restoration Priority System: Using Mapping and Analysis to Help Prioritize Restoration Project. TWS Web Report. July 2008, Washington, DC.
- Francis, M. and T.H. DeLuca. 2007. Testimony before the House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming on Wildland Fire and the Climate Crisis. November 1, 2007. Washington DC.
- DeLuca, T.H. 2007. Environmental benefits and consequences of biofuels development in the United States. The Wilderness Society Science and Policy Brief. April 2007. 12 pp
- DeLuca, T.H. 2006. Looking at biofuels and bioenergy. Science 312:1743-1744.
- DeLuca, T. H., M.D. MacKenzie, M.J. Gundale, and W.E. Holben. 2006. Wildfire-produced charcoal directly influences nitrogen cycling in forest ecosystems. CSA News 51:4-5.
- Switalski, T A., J. A. Bissonette, T. H. DeLuca, C. H. Luce, and M. A. Madej. 2003. Road removal: research needs. IOCET Conference Proceedings, Lake Placid, NY. pp 642-645.
- DeLuca, T.H. and A. Vitateau. 2001. Influence of mine reclamation amendments on metal mobility and water pollution potential. Report 202. Montana Water Resources Center. 34 pp.
- DeLuca, T.H. 2001. Invited letter to the editor regarding: Weinhold et al. 2001. Pasture management influences on soil properties in the Northern Great Plains. Journal of Soil Water Conservation 56:147.
- DeLuca, T.H. 2000. Soils and nutrient considerations. pp 23-26. In: Smith, H.Y. (ed), Bitterroot Ecosystem Management Program, What We Have Learned. Symposium Proceedings, Missoula, MT RMRS - P - 17. USDA-FS, Ogden, UT.
- Zouhar, K.L. and T.H. DeLuca. 1999. Microbial response and nitrogen availability, selection cutting unit. Pp 38-40. In: Smith, H.Y. and S.F. Arno (eds), Eighty-eight years of change in a managed ponderosa pine forest. USFS-RMRS-GTR-23.
- DeLuca, T.H. 1997. The Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture - United States - P.p. 409-415. In: For all generations: Making World Agriculture more sustainable. J. P. Madden and S. G. Chaplowe (eds.) WSA Publication.
- DeLuca, T.H. and M.P. O’Herron. 1995. Introductory soil science laboratory book. University of Montana, School of Forestry, Missoula MT. 88 pp.
- DeLuca, T. 1993. 100 years on a white bread diet. Biodynamics 193:4-5.
- DeLuca, T.H. 1993. Paired prairie and cultivated soils: Soluble organics and nitrogen dynamics. Ph.D. Dissertation. Iowa State University, Ames, IA. 184 pp.
- DeLuca, T.H. 1993. Review of the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture. 197 pp.
- DeLuca, T. and P. Johnson. 1990. RAVE: Relative aquifer vulnerability evaluation. Mont. Dept. Agric. Tech. Bull. 90-1.
- DeLuca, T., L. Torma, J. Larson, and G. Algard. 1989. A survey of pesticide residues in groundwater in Montana. Mont. Dept. Agric. Tech. Rept. 89-1.
- DeLuca, T.H. and G.A. Algard. 1989. Final programmatic environmental impact statement for the State of Montana Emergency Grasshopper Control Program. 45 pp. (232 pp).
- DeLuca, T.H. (program manager). 1988. Draft programmatic environmental impact statement for the State of Montana Emergency Grasshopper Control Program 187 pp.
- DeLuca, T.H. and J.S. Jaconsen. 1988. Glossary of soil fertility terms. Extension MT-Guide 88-7.
- DeLuca, T.H. 1987. Band applications of elemental sulfur inoculated with Thiobacillus thioparus to enhance nutrient phytoavailability. M.S. Thesis, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT.
New articles, features
Annonymous. 2008. Research Highlights. Plant science: Mossy management. Nature 453, 700 (5 June 2008) | doi:10.1038/453700c; Published online 4 June 2008
Wade, A. et al (DeLuca co-I). 2011. The multi-scale response of water quality, biodiversity and c sequestration to coupled macronutrient cycling from source to sea. NERC ~£3,000,000 (funded, but final value still under negotiation)
DeLuca, T.H. and D. L. Jones. 2011. Biochar: A novel means of offsetting greenhouse gas emissions and influencing economic and environmental sustainability in the Welsh farming. KESS £87,000
DeLuca, T.H. and D. Tomos. 2011. Unravelling the mystery of Morfa soils and suppression of late blight of potatoes. KESS £38,000.
DeLuca, T.H., D.L. Jones, N. Ostle, and D.L. Godbold. 2011. The Boreal Nitrogen Gap: Size, fate and impacts of nitrogen fixation in Fennoscandia forest ecosystems. NERC £336,102 (+ ~£85,000 to Lancaster collaborator).
DeLuca, T.H., D.L. Jones, D.L. Godbold. 2011. Wolfson below ground carbon laboratory. The Royal Society £150,000.
Jones, D.L., G.E. Jones, T.H. DeLuca, P. Williams, P. Cross, J.R. Healey, D.L. Godbold, B. Emmett. 2011. Carbon Soil Sequestration: Long term impacts. SEREN £200,000.
Jones, D.L., R. Bardgett, T.H. DeLuca, P.W. Hill, and P. Roberts. 2011. Short circuits in the nitrogen cycle regulate ecosystem development in the terrestrial Antarctic. £475,000
DeLuca, T.H. D.L. Jones, B.A. Emmett. 2010. Evaluation of phosphorus limitation in an increasingly nitrogen rich world. KESS. £38,000.
DeLuca, T.H. and N. Brown. 2010. Forging sustainable communities in a changing world Beacon for Wales. £12,000.
Bergman, I. G. Hornberg, T. DeLuca, O. Zackrisson, L. Liedgren. 2009. Proposal for the institute for subarctic landscape research. EU Structure Fund. 5,000,000 SEK
DeLuca, T.H. and D.L. Jones. 2009. Biochar: A novel means of offsetting greenhouse gas emissions. KESS. £86,838.
DeLuca, T.H. and D.L. Jones. 2009. Biochar: Greenhouse gas sink or health risk? £38,000.
Ekey, R. and T.H. DeLuca. 2008. Climate change and ecosystem resilience in the Northern Rockies. Aspenwood Foundation. $200,000.
Ekey, R. G.H. Aplet, T.H. DeLuca, J. Kerkvliet, S. Brennan. 2008. Forest restoration and landscape preservation in the Crown of the Continent. Aspenwood Foundation. $1,000,000.
Ekey, R. G.H. Aplet, T.H. DeLuca, J. Kerkvliet. 2007. Forest restoration and landscape preservation in the Crown of the Continent. Aspenwood Foundation. $800,000.
DeLuca, T.H. and C. Zabinski. 2006. Effects of slash pile burning on soil properties and exotic invasions USDA-RJVA -- $65,000.
DeLuca, T.H. and M.J. Gundale. 2006. Use of byproduct gypsum as an agricultural soil amendment. USDA-NRCS $40,000.
DeLuca, T.H. and M.J. Gundale. 2005. Does N and P availability explain cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) invasion under ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) crowns following fire? USDA-FS RJVA -- $20,000.
DeLuca, T.H. and M.D. MacKenzie. 2004. Nitrogen fixation in ponderosa pine ecosystems of western Montana. USDA-McIntire Stennis. $47,500.
DeLuca, T.H. and O. Zackrisson. 2003. Plant succession and nitrogen fixation in boreal forests of Sweden. Formas (Sweden). $185,000.
DeLuca, T.H. and W.E. Holben. 2003. Soil Charcoal and Nitrogen Cycling in Pinus ponderosa Ecosystems of Western Montana. NSF-Ecosystems. $450,000.
DeLuca, T.H. 2002. A portable gas chromatograph for analysis of N fixation and soil respiration in ecosystem studies in the Inland Northwest. USDA-NRI. $18,600.
DeLuca, T.H. 2002. The Role of Charcoal in Litter Decomposition and Nutrient Dynamics in Pinus ponderosa Ecosystems of Western Montana. USDA-McIntire-Stennis. $33,698.
Woods S. and T.H. DeLuca. 2002. Acquisition of a rainfall simulator for runoff and erosion studies in the Northern Rocky Mountain region. USDA-NRI. $17,670.
Sala, A. and T.H. DeLuca. 2002. Fire suppression in ponderosa pine ecosystems causes shifts in soil resource partitioning. USDA-NRI $260,989
DeLuca, D.K. and T.H. DeLuca. 2002. Feasibility for treating Missoula wastewater with hybrid poplars. City of Missoula, $9,750.
Meikle, T., T.H. DeLuca, R.K. Dumrose, and O. Seastone-Moynahan. 2002-2003. Alternative growth medium product to promote VAM colonization. USDA-SBIR. $80,000.
Woods, S. and T.H. DeLuca. 2001. The effectiveness of burn area emergency rehabilitation (baer) techniques in reducing post-fire soil erosion in the Sula state forest, Montana. USGS-Water Center $19,204.
DeLuca, T.H. 2001. Assessment of soil salinization in historic salt lick sites in the Teton Wilderness Area. USFS-Challenge Cost Share Agreement $22,000.
Fiedler, C, T.H. DeLuca, L.S. Mills, and D. Six. 1999 - 2003. Fire/Fire surrogates study: Lubrecht Experimental Forest, Montana. Joint Fire Sciences Program. $435,000.
DeLuca, T.H. and A. Sala. 1999. Replacement of fire maintained ponderosa pine by Douglas-fir: the consequences for water and nitrogen resources and forest productivity. USDA-McIntire-Stennis: $65,000.
Zabinski, C.A. and T.H. DeLuca. 1998. Assessment of microbial recovery in an alpine campground restoration study site. USFS Cooperative Joint Venture Agreement. $4,500
DeLuca, T.H. and J. Newland. 1998. Comparison for nitrogen fixing vegetation in fire exposed and fire excluded ponderosa pine/Douglas-fir forests. Cooperative Research Joint Venture Agreement, U.S. Forest Service, Fire Sciences Laboratory $2,386.
DeLuca, T.H. and D.J. Bedunah. 1998. Influence of mine reclamation amendments on metal mobility and water pollution potential. USGS-Water Center. $35,590.
DeLuca, T.H. and P. F. Kolb. 1998. Decomposition of logging residues under alternative management systems. USDA-McIntire-Stennis $65,590
DeLuca, T.H. and I.V. Yevdokimov. 1998. Diffusion of plant rhizosphere carbon and sorption to non-ionic carbonaceous resins: Kinetics and fate. National Research Council COBASE Program: $14,000.
DeLuca, T.H. 1997. Occurrence and significance of native nitrogen fixing species on fire exposed sites in Western Montana. University of Montana Grants Program. $2,200.
DeLuca, T.H. and D. E. Kiely. 1997. Analysis of rhizosphere carbon of native and invasive plant species. USDA-NRI, Equipment Grants, $15,000.
Ohara, K.L., T.H. DeLuca, K.S. Milner, and P.B. Alaback. 1996. Comparative function and productivity of even and uneven-aged ponderosa pine structures. USDA-NRI. $97,278.
DeLuca, T.H. and U. Choromanska. 1996. Influence of Fire Exclusion and Carbon Removal on Soil Nutrient Cycling in Second Growth Ponderosa Pine/Douglas Fir Forests. Cooperative Research Joint Venture Agreement, U.S. Forest Service, Forest Sciences Laboratory. $25,000.
DeLuca, T.H. 1995. In-situ extraction of rhizosphere sugars using carbonaceous resins. MONTS- EPSCORE. $32,000.
DeLuca, T.H. and U. Choromanska. 1995. Influence of fire suppression on nutrient cycling in second growth ponderosa pine-Douglas fir forests of Montana. NSF/EPSCOR. $18,000.
Gannon, J.E., J. Moore, T. DeLuca, G. Smith, V. Watson, B. Woessner, C. Zabinski, and D. DeBoerde. 1994. Central biogeochemical analytic lab. Murdock Foundation. $437,500.
DeLuca, T.H., W.A. Freimund, and B. Patterson. 1994. Erosional impact of llamas, horses, and foot traffic on hiking trails of Western Montana. USFS Cooperative Agreement. $25,000.
DeLuca, T.H., C. Fiedler, and E.O. Skogley. 1994. Influence of selection cutting and underburning on soil organic matter quality and nitrogen availability in uneven age ponderosa pine stands. McIntyre-Stennis Program. $41,902.
DeLuca, T.H. and V. Watson. 1994. Use of compost in the reclamation of an abandoned mine site in the Upper Blackfoot River Basin. Mont. Trout Found. $3,000.
DeLuca, T.H. 1994. Relationship of soluble sugars to microbial activity in forest and range soils. University Grants Program. $2,058.
DeLuca, T.H. 1994. Slippery Rock compost facility. Pennsylvania DER Act 198 Program. $152,000.
DeLuca, T.H. and L.E. Drinkwater 1993. Occurrence and productivity of free-living and associative nitrogen fixing bacteria in cropping systems of Pennsylvania. SSHE Professional Development Council. $4,240.
1993 Iowa State University Research Excellence Award
1996 Professor of the Year, The University of Montana School of Forestry Graduate Students.
1998 Nominee for USDA Teacher of the Year
2002 S-7 Oral Presentation Award, Soil Science Society of America, Indianapolis
2004 Student Affairs Honoree for Outstanding Advising. The University of Montana
2005 Student Affairs Honoree for Outstanding Advising. The University of Montana
2005 S- 7 Oral Presentation Award, Soil Science Society of America, Salt Lake City
Sigma Xi, 1992 - present.
Gamma Sigma Delta, 1992 – present.
Soil Science Society of America, 1985 - present.
American Society of Agronomy, 1985 - present.
Soil and Water Conservation Society, 1993 - 2002.
Society of American Foresters, 1996 - 2000
American Water Resources Association, 1996.
American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1993 - present
American Association for the Advancement of Science Electorate Committee 2003 - 2007
University Council on Water Resources, Montana Delegate, 1996 - 2009.
Ecological Society of America, 2001 – Present.
Union of Concerned Scientists 2006 – present.
British Ecological Society 2010 – present.
Who’s Who in America
Who's Who in Science and Engineering
Who’s Who in the Midwest
Who's Who in the West
Who's Who in the World
Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers
International Biography
Patterson, W.A. IV. 1996. Influence of llamas, horses and foot traffic on soil erosion from established recreation trails in western Montana. MS Thesis Resources Conservation.
Zlatnick, W. J. 1997. Site productivity and soil conditions on terraced ponderosa pine stands on the Bitterroot National Forest. MS Thesis Resources Conservation.
Hodge, R. J. 1997. Where have all the suckers gone: A comparative study of aspen treatments on the Deerlodge National Forest. MS Thesis Forestry.
Bradley, K.R. 1997. An evaluation of two techniques for the utilization of logging residues: Organic mulch in abandoned road re-vegetation and accelerated decomposition in small chipped piles. MS Thesis Resources Conservation.
Zouhar, K.L. 1997. Effects of Selection Harvest and Prescribed Burning on Nitrogen Availability in the Mineral Soil Under Ponderosa Pine. MS Thesis Resources Conservation.
Morse, C.C. 1998. In-situ extraction of rhizosphere carbon from native and invasive plant species. MS Thesis, Forestry.
Knudsen, J.A. 1998. Use of Basin wild rye as a phytoremedation tool for arsenic contaminated soils. MS Thesis Resources Conservation.
Newland, J. 1998. Occurrence and abundance of native nitrogen fixing plants in fire exposed ponderosa pine Douglas-fir forests in Western Montana. MS Thesis, Forestry
Chrormanska, U. 2000. The effects of wildfire and prescribed fire on soil C and N dynamics in ponderosa pine forests. Ph.D. Forestry.
Hickenbottom, J.A.S. 2000. Comparative analysis of surface erosion and water runoff from existing and reconoutred Forest Service Roads: O'Brien Creek Watershed Lolo National Forest, Montana, USA. MS Forestry.
Archer, V. 2002. Does knapweed access greater phosphorus than lupine in a phosphorus deficient soil? M.S. Forestry
Walters, D. 2002. Influence of historic salt lick use on soil and vegetation in the Teton Wilderness Area. M.S. Resources Conservation.
Snyder, C. 2003. Effects of vegetation cover, mowing, and soil temperature on development and survival of two root-feeding biological control insects of spotted knapweed. M.S. Forestry.
MacKenzie, M.D. 2004. Fire exclusion, forest dynamics, and nitrogen cycling in low elevation forests of western Montana. Ph.D. Forestry.
Berglund, L. 2004. Disturbance, nutrient availability, and plant growth in phenol rich plant communities. PhD. Ecology, SLU.
Kurth, V.J. 2004. Charcoal in ponderosa pine ecosystems of western Montana: decomposition, mineralization, and quantification. MS Forestry.
Gundale, M.J. 2005. Nitrogen cycling and spatial heterogeneity following fire and restoration treatments in the ponderosa pine/douglas-fir ecosystem. PhD. Forestry.
Brimmer, R.J. 2006. Charcoal quantity and adsorptive activity in ponderosa pine ecosystems of western Montana. MS Forestry. The University of Montana.
Burgoyne, T. 2007. Nitrogen fixation in ponderosa pine forests of western Montana. MS Forestry. The University of Montana, Missoula
Bisbing, S.M. 2008. Carbon dynamics of old-growth and managed fire-dependent forests in the Northern Rockies. MS Forestry. The University of Montana.
Natalie Meyer. 2009. Characterization and restoration of slash pile burn scars in western Montana. MS Land Restoration. Montana State University. (co-advise with Cathy Zabinski)
Jason Leppi. 2010. Regional implications of climate change: Summer stream discharge trends in the Northern Rockies. MS Forestry. The University of Montana.
Sally Rangecroft. 2010. Biochar: Greenhouse gas sink or environmental toxin? MRes, Bangor University
Sanatan Das Gupta. 2010. Carbon storage and loss in recently-harvested conferous plantations in North Wales, MSc, Bangor University
Sisay Zewdie. 2010. Soil organic carbon content under bracken, grass or Calluna heath cover in uplands of North Wales. MSc, Bangor University
Andrea Goepfrich. 2010 Analysing fire damage in the coarse roots of Pinus sylvestris in northern Sweden. MSc, Bangor University
Matthew Harris. 2011. MRes. Developing and testing a biology based method to quantify and characterise plant available phosphate. Bangor University
Abdou Jobe. 2011. Assessment of free-living nitrogen fixation along a nitrogen deposition gradient. MSc Bangor University.
Muzaffar Hussain. 2011. Modelling forest soil carbon changes under Danish climatic conditions: A validity test of Yasso-07. MSc. Bangor University.
Amadi Chukwudi. 2011. Influence of Pteridium aquilinum rhizomes on the mobilization of soil phosphorus. MSc Bangor University.
Andy Appleby. Ph.D. Biochar: A novel way to offset greenhouse gas emissions.
Kathrin Ackermann. PhD. Nitrogen cycling in boreal forest ecosystems.
Kathrin Blumenstein. PhD. Endophytic fungi in elms: implications for protection against Dutch Elm Disease. (Co-advise with Dr. Johanna Witzell, SLU Alnarp).
Jo Hughes. PhD. Biochar and its influence on economic and environmental sustainability in the Welsh farming context.
Lorena Larrion. MRes. Unravelling the mystery of Morfa soils and suppression of late blight of potatoes.
Associate Editor, Alternator, Slippery Rock University, 1993 - 1994.
Committee of the Whole. Slippery Rock University, 1993 - 1994.
College of Health and Human Services Tech Committee, Slippery Rock University 1993 - 1994.
School of Forestry Graduate Committee, University of Montana, 1995-1998 (Chair 97/98)
University Court, University of Montana, 1995-97 (Chair in 1997)
Faculty Advisor, University of Montana Competitive Cycling Team, 1995-1999.
Faculty Advisor, ASUM Student Garden Club, University of Montana, 1995-2000.
Bolle Center Director Search Committee, School of Forestry, 1995/96.
Forest Economics Search Committee, School of Forestry, 1996
Integrated Forest Planning Search Committee, School of Forestry, 1996.
Mount Sentinel IPM Committee 1998 – 2000.
Faculty Advisor, 1997 and 1998 Forester’s Ball.
Integrated Forest Entomology/Pathology Search Committee (1996/97).
National Undergraduate Research Conference Steering Committee. 1997 - 2000
Board of Directors, Program in Ecological Agriculture and Sustainability, 1996-2000.
School of Forestry Silviculture Search Committee 1998-1999 (Chair)
School of Forestry Student Evaluation Committee Advisor, 1999.
University of Montana, Rhodes Scholarship Committee, 1999.
School of Forestry Research Committee, 1999 - 2000.
Board of Directors, Wild Rockies Field Institute, 2001 - present.
College of Forestry Graduate Committee, University of Montana, 2004 -2006(Chair 05/06)
Council of Soil Science Examiners, SSSA, 2002 – 2005.
University of Montana Faculty Senate, 2003 – 2005
University of Montana Campus Sustainability Council, 2003 – 2006.
American Association for the Advancement of Science, Electorate Committee 2003 – 2008
The Wilderness Society, Climate Planning Team 2008 - 2009
The Wilderness Society, Fire Team 2006 – 2009
Research Committee, SENRGy Bangor University 2009 - present
Environment Theme Leader, Pontio Innovation Bangor University (paid position) 2010 - present
Program Development Group: Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. 2010 – present
Research Excellence Framework (REF) Coordinator. SENRGy, Bangor Univ. 2011 - present
Chair of Forestry Group, SENRGy, Bangor Unversity. 2011 – present
Executive Committee, SENRGy, Bangor University. 2011- present
Research Committee College of Natural Sciences (CNS) 2011 - present
REF Task Force CNS, 2012 – present
- DXX 3212, Forest Ecosystems. 2010 - 2012. Bangor University. Advanced class in forest ecosystem ecology, impacts of disturbance and climate change and the role of diversity and forest structure and function in dictating resilience (20 credits).
- DXX 2002, Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 2011. Bangor University. Overview of the long and short term impacts of anthropogenic pollutants on the air, water, soil continuum (20 credits).
- DXX 3305, Tenerife Field Course 2009-2011. One week field course on landscape ecology, soil morphology and genesis, land degradation, and forest ecology (10 credits).
- Forestry 210, Introductory Soils (Taught Fall Semesters 1994 – 2006, and Spring semesters 1998 - current, about 200 student each year). An assessment of the chemical, physical, biological, and morphological properties of soils as they relate to environmental sustainability. Three credits 2 hrs lecture and 3 hrs of lab per week (5 – 6 laboratory sections in fall and 2 laboratory sections in the spring).
- Forestry 232, Forest Insects and Disease, Identification, significance, of and remedies for insect infestations and infections and non-infectious diseases of forests and forest products (Team taught, Spring 1996). Two credits.
- Forestry 310, Soil Physics (Team Taught Spring 1996). The physical and mechanical properties of soils with special emphasis on the role of water in influencing those properties. 2 hr lecture and 3 hrs lab per week. Three credits.
- Forestry 410, Soil Morphology, Genesis and Classification. The morphological characteristics of soils, how horizons formed and an introduction to the Soil Taxonomy classification system used in this country. (Taught Alternate Spring Semesters 1995 – 2005). Three credits
- Forestry 415, Environmental Soil Science. Soil disturbance, contamination, and restoration and their role in ecosystem sustainability (Taught 2003 - 2006). Three credits.
- Forestry 501, Research Methods The nature of biophysical and social science research, planning research projects, experimental design, and grant writing (Team taught, Fall 1997, Fall 2001 and Fall 2004). Three credits.
- Forestry 511, Soil Biochemistry A critical assessment of soil chemical and biological processes as related to ecosystem and global biogeochemistry. Focus provided on soil organic matter dynamics, nutrient turnover, and environmental quality (Taught alternate spring semesters 1995 – 2006). Three credits.
- Forestry 594, Special Topics in Biogeochemistry. Critical assessment of current issues in soil biology and biochemistry (taught fall semester 1998 - 2006). One credit.
- PREE 595, Soils as a Resource (3 Cr., Fall 1993). An analysis of soils as a natural resource and pivotal component of living ecosystems.
- PREE 601b, Analysis of Professional Literature for MS3 (3 Cr., Fall 1993). Critical assessment of current literature in sustainability.
- PREE 601a, Analysis of Professional Literature for Recreation Students (3 Cr., Fall 1993)
- PREE 601c, Analysis of Professional Literature for Correspondence (3 Cr., Fall, 1993)
- PREE 642, Agroecology An analysis of organic and alternative agricultural systems as related to large and small scale agriculture (3 Cr., Spring 1994)
- PREE 799, Research Methods for MS3 (3 Cr., Spring 1994) An analysis of scientific approach to research and evaluation of statistical tools used in the analysis of data.
Editorial Duties
Associate Editor, Pedobiologia, 2010 – present
Submission Editor, Journal of Soils and Sediments 2010 - present
One or More Reviews for the Following Journals
Journal of Environmental Quality
Journal of the American Water Resources Association
Advances in Environmental Research
Soil Science Society America Journal
Introductory Soil Science Text, Saunders University Press
Journal of the American Water Resources Association
European Journal of Soil Biology
Soil Biology and Biochemistry
Forest Ecology and Management
Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Journal of Range Ecology and Management
International Journal of Wildland Fire
Australian Journal of Soil Research
Annals of Forest Science
Ecological Applications
Environmental Management
Agronomy Journal
Restoration Ecology
Western Journal of Applied Forestry
Journal of Ecology
Science of the Total Environment
Global Change Biology
Journal of Soils and Sediments
Environmental Science and Technology
New Zealand Journal of Ecology
Ecosphere (ad hoc subject-matter editor)
- DeLuca, T.H. and E.O. Skogley. 1986. Banding of inoculated elemental sulfur to increase the phytoavailability of phosphorus. 78th Ann. Meet. ASA, New Orleans. Agron. Abst. p. 197.
- DeLuca, T.H. and H.D. Shew. 1988. Inhibition of growth and reproduction of Phytophthora parasitica var. nicotianae by aluminum. Annual Meetings of the American Phytopathological Society. San Diego, CA. Phytopath. 78:1576.
- Swan, J.B. and T.H. DeLuca. 1991. Using N-LEAP for crop production in Iowa. Annual Conference of the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture. L.C. Conf. Proc. p. 96.
- DeLuca, T.H., D.R. Keeney, and G.W. McCarty. 1991. Effect of freeze-thaw events on mineralization of soil N and release of soluble carbon. 83rd Annual Meeting of the ASA. Agron. Absts. p. 262.
- DeLuca, T.H. and D.R. Keeney. 1992. Soluble organics and available nitrogen in paired prairie and cultivated soils in central Iowa. Annual Conference of the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture. L.C. Conf. Proc. p. 80.
- DeLuca, T.H. and D.R. Keeney. 1992. Soluble C and N in prairie and cultivated soils. 1992 Annual Meetings of the Iowa Academy of Sciences.
- DeLuca, T.H. and D.R. Keeney. 1992. Soluble organics and extractable N in prairie and cultivated soils. 13th North American Prairie Conference. Windsor Ontario.
- DeLuca, T.H. and D.R. Keeney. 1992. Seasonal changes in soluble organics and microbial biomass in paired prairie and cultivated soils. 84th Annual Meeting of the ASA. Agron. Absts. p. 253.
- DeLuca, T.H. and D.R. Keeney. 1992. Soluble anthrone reactive carbon (ARC) as affected by plant residue additions to soil. 84th Annual Meeting of the ASA. Agron. Absts. p. 261.
- Keeney, D.R. and T.H. DeLuca. 1992. Agricultural contribution of nitrate to the Des Moines River: 1945 vs 1980s. Proc. Crop Prod. Prot. Conf. Iowa State Univ. Ames, IA. pp. 109-120.
- Keeney, D.R. and T.H. DeLuca. 1993. Agricultural contribution of nitrate to the Des Moines River: 1945 vs 1980s. Proc. Agricultural Research to Protect Water Quality Mnpls., MN pp 328-332.
- DeLuca, T.H., R.S. Pirog, and D.R. Keeney. 1993. Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture: A systems approach to agricultural conservation. The Next Generation of Agricultural Conservation Policy. Kansas City, MO.
- DeLuca, T.H. 1993. Integrated nitrogen management for crop production in the Midwest. Illinois Sustainable Agriculture Association Conference, Bloomington, IL. (Invited Presentation).
- DeLuca, T.H. 1993. The Leopold Center and Practical Farmers of Iowa: A unique complement for sustainable agriculture (Invited Presentation). North Central Sustainable Agriculture Workshop. Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
- DeLuca, T.H. 1993. Paired prairie and cultivated soils: Soluble organics and nitrogen dynamics (Invited Lecture). Rodale Research Institute, Kutztown, PA.
- DeLuca, T.H. and D.R. Keeney. 1993. Nitrate assimilation in prairie and cultivated soils. 85th Annual meeting of the ASA, Cincinnati, OH. Agron. Absts. p 245.
- DeLuca, T.H. 1994. Paired prairie and cultivated soils: Soluble organics and nitrogen dynamics (Invited Lecture). Institute for Soil Science and Photosynthesis, Pushchino, Russia.
- DeLuca, T.H., L.R. Drinkwater, and B.A. Wiefling. 1994. Occurrence and activity of free-living N fixing bacteria in cropping systems of Pennsylvania. 86th Annual meeting of the ASA, Seattle, WA. Agron Absts. p.285.
- DeLuca, D.K. and T.H. DeLuca. 1996. Composting beef feedlot manure: A sustainable element in an industrialized agriculture. CPR Symp. Montana Acad. Sci. Missoula, MT.
- Zouhar, K.L. and T.H. DeLuca. 1996. Effects of selection cutting and prescribed burning on soil nitrogen in ponderosa pine forests. CPR Symp. Montana Acad. Sci. Missoula, MT.
- DeLuca, T.H. and E.L. Lynch. 1996. Treatment of mine tailings to reduce metal mobility and encourage restoration of a mountain stream. CPR Symp. Montana Acad. Sci. Missoula, MT.
- DeLuca, T.H. and E.L. Lynch. 1996. Treatment of mine tailings to reduce metal mobility and encourage restoration of a mountain stream in Montana. pp 499-508 In: Watershed restoration management: physical, chemical, and biological considerations. J.J. McDonnell, J.B. Stribling, L.R. Neville, and D.J. Leopold (eds). Am Water Res. Assn. Herndon, VA.
- DeLuca, T.H. 1996. Soluble sugars as an index of bioavailable carbon in forest soils. 88th Annual meeting of the ASA, Indianapolis, IN. Agron Absts. p.236.
- Patterson, W.A., T.H. DeLuca, W.A. Friemund, and D.N. Cole. 1996. Influence of llama, horse, and hiker traffic on soil erosion from established recreation trails in western Montana. 88th Annual meeting of the ASA, Indianapolis, IN. Agron Absts. p.292.
- Zouhar, K.L. and T.H. DeLuca, 1996. Effects of single tree section cutting and underburning on mineral soil nitrogen in ponderosa pine/Douglas fir stands. 88th Annual meeting of the ASA, Indianapolis, IN. Agron Absts. p.308.
- Choromanska, U. and T.H. DeLuca. 1996. Influence of fire exclusion, and carbon removal on soil nutrient cycling in second growth ponderosa pine forests. 88th Annual meeting of the ASA, Indianapolis, IN. Agron Absts. p.304.
- Morse, C.C. and T.H. DeLuca. 1997. In-situ extraction of rhizosphere carbon from native and invasive plant communities. Annual meetings of the Ecological Society of America, Albequerque, NM
- DeLuca, T.H. 1997. Influence of selection cutting and underburning on nitrogen availability in ponderosa pine stands. Seminar Series Presentation, Division of Biological Sciences, University of Montana
- Choromanska, U., and T. H. DeLuca. 1997 (Nov). Immediate effects of soil heating under different moisture regimes on carbon and nitrogen dynamics in forest soils. Annual meetings of the ASA. Anaheim, CA. Agron. Absts. p. 287.
- Morse, C.C. and T.H. DeLuca. 1997 (Nov). In-situ extraction of rhizosphere carbon from native and invasive plant communities. Annual meetings of the ASA. Anaheim, CA. Agron. Absts. p. 209.
- DeLuca, T.H. and K.L. Zouhar. 1998. Effect of selection cutting and prescribed fire on N dynamics in ponderosa pine forests. Ninth North American Forest Soils Conference, Lake Tahoe, CA
- Choromanska, U. and T.H. DeLuca. 1998. Effects of wildfire with and without previous prescribed burning on N availability in ponderosa pine forests. Ninth North American Forest Soils Conference, Lake Tahoe, CA
- DeLuca, T.H. and K.L. Zouhar. 1998. Effect of selection cutting and prescribed fire on N dynamics in ponderosa pine forests. Bitterroot Ecosystem Management Conference, Missoula, MT.
- DeLuca, T.H. 1999. Soil science at the University of Montana. Reunion of Soil Scientists, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT.
- Newland, J. and T.H. DeLuca. 1999. Occurrence and abundance of native nitrogen fixing plants in fire exposed ponderosa pine Douglas-fir forests in Western Montana. Bitterroot Ecosystem Management Conference, Missoula, MT.
- Choromanska, U. and T.H. DeLuca. 1999. Effects of wildfire with and without previous prescribed burning on N availability in ponderosa pine forests. Bitterroot Ecosystem Management Conference, Missoula, MT.
- DeLuca, T.H., C.A. Zabinski, and D.C. Cole. 1999. Impact and restoration of subalpine campsites in the Eagle Cap Wilderness. Ecological Society of America, Spokane, WA.
- DeLuca, T.H. and U. Choromanska. 1999. Does fire suppression parallel nitrogen saturation? Annual meetings of the ASA. Salt Lake City, UT. Agron. Absts. p. 305.
- Choromanska, U. and T.H. DeLuca. 1999. The effects of harvest and prescribed fire on soil nitrogen dynamics in ponderosa pine forests. Annual meetings of the ASA. Salt Lake City, UT. Agron. Absts. p. 309.
- Newland, J. and T.H. DeLuca. 1999. Nitrogen fixing plants in fire exposed ponderosa pine forests of Western Montana. Annual meetings of the ASA. Salt Lake City, UT. Agron. Absts. p. 296.
- Vitateau, A. and T.H. DeLuca. 1999. Influence of mine reclamation amendments on metal mobility and water pollution potential. Annual meetings of the ASA. Salt Lake City, UT. Agron. Absts. p. 304.
- VanderMeer, M, and T.H. DeLuca. 1999. Eclogical influences of logging residues under alternative management systems. Annual meetings of the ASA. Salt Lake City, UT. Agron. Absts. p. 304.
- DeLuca, T. H. 2000. Soil nitrogen in fire excluded and exposed ponderosa pine stands of western Montana. Invited presentation to the Jones Ecological Research Center. Ichuaway, GA.
- DeLuca, T. 2000. The biological basis for soil building. Organic Certification Association of Montana, Hot Springs, MT.
- DeLuca, T.H. 2000. Fire intervals and soil nitrogen dynamics. In ponderosa pine ecosystems. International Symposium on Managing forest soils for sustainable productivity. Vila Real, Portugal. Abst. P. 129.
- DeLuca, T.H., M-C. Nilsson, and O. Zackrisson. 2001. Nitrogen mineralization and phenol accumulation along a fire chronoseqeunce in northern Sweden. Annual Meetings of the ESA, Madison, WI. ESA Abst P. 79-80.
- MacKenzie, D.M., T.H. DeLuca, and A. Sala. 2001. Influence of fire exclusion on stand structure and nitrogen cycling in ponderosa pine/Douglas-fir forests of Western Montana. Annual Meetings of the ESA, Madison, WI. ESA Abst P. 313.
- Vitateau, A. and T.H. DeLuca. 2001. Influence of organic mine reclamation amendments on metal mobility and water pollution potential. Annual Meeting of the Montana AWRA, Missoula, MT.
- DeLuca, T.H., M-C. Nilsson, and O. Zackrisson. 2002. Fire, N mineralization, and charcoal in boreal forests of Northern Sweden. Annual meetings of the ASA. Indianapolis, IN.
- MacKenzie, D.M., T.H. DeLuca, and A. Sala. 2002. Nitrogen dynamics along a fire chronosequence in ponderosa pine/Douglas-fir forests of Western Montana. Annual Meetings of the ASA, Indianapolis, IN.
- Gundale, M.J. and T.H. DeLuca. 2002. Fire surrogates in a western Montana ponderosa pine forest: Influence on spatial variability of nitrogen and vegetation diversity. Annual Meetings of the ASA, Indianapolis, IN.
- Zabowski, D., D.W. Johnson D. Neary, and T. DeLuca. 2002. The role of fire in western forests. Annual Meetings of the ASA, Indianapolis, IN. (Invited)
- DeLuca, T.H. 2003. Nitrogen cycling in boreal forests of Northern Sweden. Biogeochemistry-Biocomplexity Program, Cornell University (Invited)
- DeLuca, T.H. 2003. Fire, legumes and nitrogen cycling in ponderosa pine forests. Montana Native Plant Society, Spring Seminar, Missoula, MT.
- Hart, S.C. and T.H. DeLuca. 2003. Direct and indirect effects of fire on microbial community structure and function in forest soils. 14th North American Forest Soils Conference, Sault St. Marie.
- MacKenzie, D.M., T.H. DeLuca, and A. Sala. 2003. Nitrogen mineralization, diversity, and succession along a fire chronosequence in Western Montana. Annual meetings of the CSSS. Montreal.
- DeLuca, T.H. 2003. Nutrient cycling in ponderosa pine ecosystems. USDA-Fire Laboratory Seminar Series: (Invited)
- DeLuca, T.H., O. Zackrisson, M-C. Nilsson, and A. Sellstedt. 2003. Nitrogen fixation in feather moss carptest of Northern Sweden. Annual meetings of the ASA. Denver, CO.
- MacKenzie, D.M., T.H. DeLuca, and A. Sala. 2003. Nitrogen mineralization, diversity, and succession along a fire chronosequence in Western Montana. Annual meetings of the ASA. Denver, CO.
- Kurth, V.J. and T.H. DeLuca. 2003. The role of charcoal in litter decomposition in Pinus ponderosa ecosystems of western Montana. Annual meetings of the ASA. Denver, CO.
- Gundale, M.J. and T.H. DeLuca. 2003. Spatial variability of nitrogen and vegetation as influenced by prescribed fire. Annual meetings of the ASA. Denver, CO.
- Gundale, M.J. and T.H. DeLuca. 2004. Nutrient availability as influenced fire and fire surrogate treatments in western Montana. Annual meetings of the ESA. Portland, OR.
- MacKenzie, D.M., T.H. DeLuca, and Gundale, M.J.. 2004. Charcoal influences nitrogen turnover in forest soils. Annual meetings of the ESA. Portland, OR.
- Kurth, V.J. and T.H. DeLuca. 2004. A method for the determination of charcoal in soil. Annual meetings of the ESA. Portland, OR.
- Brimmer, R. and T.H. DeLuca. 2004. Charcoal content and phenol sorption as influenced by fire history. Annual meetings of the ESA. Portland, OR.
- Sala, A. T.H. DeLuca, and E. Keeling. 2004. Fire history and vegetation patterns in wilderness areas of the Inland Northwest. Annual meetings of the ESA. Portland, OR.
- DeLuca, T.H. 2005.Role of fire and fire exclusion in forest nitrogen cycling. Annual Meetings of the Ecological Society of America, Montreal. (invited)
- Sala, A. E.A. Keeling, and T. H. DeLuca. 2005. Natural fire intervals and forest physiological forest function in ponderosa pine forests. Annual Meetings of the Ecological Society of America. Montreal.
- DeLuca, T.H., A. Sala, M.D. MacKenzie, P. Ball, W.E. Holben. 2005. Fire intervals and nitrification in ponderosa pine forests. Annual Meetings of the Soil Science Society of America, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- Brimmer, R. and T.H. DeLuca. 2005. DOC to DON Ratios in Ponderosa Pine-Douglas-Fir Forest Soils of Fire-Excluded and Frequently Burned Sites. Annual Meetings of the Soil Science Society of America, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- Burgoyne, T. and T.H. DeLuca. 2005. Nitrogen Fixation in Pinus Ponderosa Forest Soils of Western Montana. Annual Meetings of the Soil Science Society of America, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- McKinnon, J. and T.H. DeLuca. 2005. Soil Nutrient Stoichiometry as Influenced by Fire Return Intervals in Ponderosa Pine Forests. Annual Meetings of the Soil Science Society of America, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- DeLuca, T.H. and G.H. Aplet. 2007. Forest restoration, charcoal and carbon storage. Annual Meetings of the Ecological Society of America. San Jose.
- Meyer, N.J., C. Zabinski, and T.H. DeLuca. 2007. Characterization and restoration of slash pile burn scars in western Montana. Annual Meetings of the Ecological Society of America. San Jose.
- DeLuca, T.H. 2007. Forest restoration: Soil function portends sustained ecosystem health. International Forest Soils Symposium, Noosa Australia. (Invited Keynote)
- DeLuca, T.H. 2007. Ecological concerns of forest biomass based cellulosic ethanol production. Biofuels, carbon, and policy, Minneapolis MN. October, 2007 (Invited)
- DeLuca, T.H. 2007. Fire, succession and nitrogen fixation in boreal forest ecosystems. Seminar Biological Sciences, McGill University, Montreal. (Invited)
- DeLuca, T.H. 2008. Adapting to Climate Change: The Importance of Wilderness in an Uncertain World. Wilderness Seminar Series, The University of Montana, Missoula. (Invited)
- DeLuca, T.H., O. Zackrisson, and M.J. Gundale. 2008. Highway emissions reduce nitrogen fixation in northern Sweden. Annual Meetings of the Ecological Society of America. Milwaukee, WI
- Bisbing, S.M., T.H.DeLuca, and P. Alaback. 2008. Carbon storage in oldgrowth western larch forests of western Montana. Annual Meetings of the Ecological Society of America. Milwaukee, WI
- DeLuca, T.H. 2008. Climate change, fire, and forest health. Public Land Law Conference, Missoula MT. September 23, 2008. (Invited)
- DeLuca, T.H. 2008. Charcoal and nitrogen cycling in forest ecosystems. Symposium --Black Carbon in Soils and Sediments. Joint Annual Meetings of the Soil Science Society of America and Geological Society of America. Houston, TX. (Invited)
- DeLuca, T.H. 2008. Adapting to Climate Change: The Importance of Wilderness in an Uncertain World. Invited Public Seminar: Sponsored by Friends of Scotch Peaks Wilderness, Sandpoint, ID. (Invited)
- DeLuca, T.H. and G.A. Aplet. 2008. Fire, charcoal, and carbon storage in forest ecosystems. Western Fire Ecology Conference, San Diego, CA (Invited)
- DeLuca, T.H. 2009. Charcoal as a legacy of fire in forest ecosystems. Graduate Research Conference Guest Speaker. University of Aberdeen. (Invited)
- DeLuca, T.H. 2010. Fire, succession, and nitrogen fixation in Swedish boreal forests. Lancaster University Invited Seminar Series. (Invited)
- DeLuca, T.H. 2010. Fire, succession, and nitrogen fixation in Swedish boreal forests. CEH Seminar Series. Edinburgh. (Invited)
- DeLuca, T.H. 2011. Fire, charcoal and N transformation in coniferous forest ecosystems. Swansea University Geography Seminar Series. (Invited)
- DeLuca, T.H., D.L. Jones, G.E. Jones, and D. Murphy. 2011. Biochar research at Bangor University. UK Biochar 2011. Edinburgh May 25 – 26. (Invited)
- DeLuca, T.H. 2011. Nitrogen fixation explain historic productivity in alluvial meadows of northern Sweden. Keynote, Plant-Soil Interaction Workshop. Lancaster University. (Invited)
- DeLuca, T.H. 2012. Nitrogen fixation in upland and alluvial boreal ecosystems. Climate Change Seminar Series, Geosciences, Edinburgh University 8 February, 2012. (Invited)